Behold - Good News Changes Everything, Part 1

There's a spectrum of good news. There can be sort of good news and then there can be really, really good news. The better the news, the more that it changes your life. The news of the cross and resurrection of Jesus is so very good that it'll change your entire life and eternity. Today Pastor Ricky will explain the good news that God's anger has turned away from the sin and rebellion in humanity because of the sacrifice of Jesus. This news has the power to change you from the inside out and transform your life.

Behold - The Once and Future King, Part 2

There is so much brokenness and pain in the world today. Since the first sin in the garden, creation has caused terrible destruction. Yet humans deeply long for a king or power to come in and make things right. Today, Pastor Ricky will explain how Jesus is the king that everyone longs for because He alone is good, powerful, and wise enough to change anything in creation. He’ll judge justly, help the powerless, and destroy all evil and He'll bring true everlasting peace to all of creation.

Behold - The Once and Future King, Part 1

God has created mankind to worship. In true unbroken creation, you were made to worship Him. However, in our broken sinful world, it's easy to long for and worship everything but God. Today Pastor Ricky will challenge you to examine who or what you put as king and priority in your life. The worldly things you trust to secure you, the people you hope will rescue you from pain, and the values you trust to guide you, will all betray you. Only God is worth giving your whole life to. He is good, faithful, and worthy of your devotion.

Behold - Good and Angry, Part 3

When you see the evil and injustice in the world, do you get angry? Anger can be right and appropriate. God doesn't oppose all anger but as Pastor Ricky will warn you today, you must be careful. Humans are sinful and what begins as righteous anger that reflects God’s justice can quickly turn to sin. Even the unrighteous anger in your heart is the same as murder, according to Jesus. As you see evil yes, be angry because it goes against God but keep it in check and don't allow it to fester into sin.

Behold - Good and Angry, Part 2

God created the world good and perfect as a reflection of Himself. He's holy and full of love for His creation. Yet humanity chose to turn away from God to do evil. This spread wickedness to all of creation. Today, Pastor Ricky will explain how it's because of God's holiness and deep love that He responds in anger towards evil. If He didn't respond to sin with anger, He wouldn't be good, He wouldn’t be holy. It’s impossible for Him to be unmoved by sin. He can't do nothing. He must get rid of sin forever.

Behold - Good and Angry, Part 1

Accepting the anger of God presented in the Bible can be a barrier to the unbelieving world. Actually, God’s anger and wrath can even keep believers away from passages explaining this aspect of Him. However as Pastor Ricky will point out today, God will use His anger towards sin to wake up His people and to cause them to return to Him. Because all creation has sinned, His response is anger towards that evil. This anger towards sin proves that He's good. He will not let that which ruins His Creation to forever continue.

Behold - Keep Calm and Carry On, Part 3

All people will eventually have to stand before the Lord and face Him. He will either be your sanctuary or the rock on which you’re smashed. Today Pastor Ricky will explain that if you fear the Lord and trust Him as your Savior, He’ll be your safe sanctuary both now and forever. You have nothing to fear in this world. Put your hope in God, not in the enticing things of the world. He reigns and is in control of all things. Go to the Lord first. Go to the Lord often. Seek Him when your world feels out of control.

Behold - Keep Calm and Carry On, Part 2

It's difficult to not let fear overwhelm you when the scary things of this world are threatening to undo you. God is calling you to look to Him as the most prominent and important thing in life and to honor Him as holy, and mighty, and all-powerful. Today, Pastor Ricky will challenge you to worship the Lord, be humble, and acknowledge God is king and judge over all. There's nothing out of God's control. Seek to follow and please the Lord and let that be your first concern, above the circumstances around you.

Behold - Keep Calm and Carry On, Part 1

In an effort to keep his people from panic, as trouble began to surround them, God through Isaiah communicated truth of who He is and the truth of their circumstances. Pastor Ricky will challenge you today to not fear your current situation and a future that hasn't happened without including God in your thoughts and desires. He encourages you today to recognize the power and might of God that far surpasses anything that the world has for you. Don't allow your thoughts to run away with the what-ifs, instead seek God.

Behold - It's Not About You, Part 2

It's quite miraculous and remarkable that anyone could ever be saved. As sinful and as depraved as humanity is, everyone deserves destruction from God who is utterly holy and righteous. Yet as Pastor Ricky will explain today, the truth is that God initiated salvation for mankind. He needs nothing from man. Yet He revealed Himself, not to punish and condemn but in order to save man. He offered Himself to take away all of your sins and He gives you righteousness in exchange. 

Behold - It's Not About You, Part 1

The reality of man is the tendency to think that life is all about you - your hopes, your plans, your needs, your pain. The Bible is often viewed from this perspective as well. How can it benefit you? But ultimately it's about God, His Holiness, and His plan for creation. You'll discover today with Pastor Ricky that once you recognize the reality that God is holy and reigns in glory, you'll have a joy, freedom, and purpose in making much of God. You're meant to find fulfillment and satisfaction in Him alone.

Behold - You Lose Some, You Win More, Part 2

Which would you rather have, a ring lollipop or a real diamond ring? A toy car or a real one? Today, Pastor Ricky shares that the things you cling to for security are just cheap imitations of the real thing that God offers. When He takes those weak substitutions away, He replaces them with what He alone can provide. God longs for you to have something far greater than you would get for yourself. Pastor Ricky reminds you that God wants to give you an amazing life that's filled to the brim with His presence.

Behold - You Lose Some, You Win More, Part 1

What do you count on for stability in your life? Where do you turn when things are shaky? Today, Pastor Ricky asks you to consider your answer to those questions. As you study today’s passage from Isaiah 2, you’ll learn that God took away the things that the Israelites were leaning on for their sense of security. He did this because He loved them and He wanted to help them. Pastor Ricky invites you to discover that these earthly things will never be able to give you the peace and stability that you find in God.

Behold - The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, Part 3

You hear stories all the time about people being rescued from scary situations, like accidents or fires. In today's edition of Better News Radio, Pastor Ricky encourages you to let Jesus rescue you from the consequences of your choice to go your own way. Because you're secure in His love and grace, you don't need to be afraid of God's judgment. You’re safe in Jesus. Pastor Ricky reminds you that Jesus opens the door for you to have a relationship with God and to live in peace and hope. 

Behold - The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, Part 2

People were devastated when the stock market crashed in 2008. The sudden loss of financial security caused some to spiral into depression and despair. What people thought they could count on disappeared in an instant. Today, Pastor Ricky asks you to consider what you are putting your stock in. Are you relying on the Lord for your security and your identity, or are there other things that you're hoping will sustain and comfort you? Today you’ll learn that God and His ways are the only stable foundation for your life.

Behold - The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, Part 1

Can you imagine driving home one day when all of a sudden your car falls into a giant sinkhole that opened in the ground? What you thought was stable fell away in the blink of an eye. Today Pastor Ricky cautions you that you could be building your life on things that can't hold you up in the long run. Like the ground over a sinkhole, these things will fail you leaving you devastated in hurting. Pastor Ricky shares that following God's plan for your life is the only foundation that you can trust. 

Behold - Dream With Me, Part 3

Everyone wants their life to matter in some way, to have purpose and meaning. As you continue in today's study of Isaiah, Pastor Ricky invites you to explore God's vision for humanity. You'll discover that you can count on the fact that God will actively move in the world around you. When you live with the anticipation that He'll show up, your life becomes an adventure. Pastor Ricky shares that God wants you to join Him in the things that He's doing. Partnering with God in this way will bring you joy and purpose.

Behold - Dream With Me, Part 2

Every two years, the Olympic Games bring together people from all over the world. For those few days, athletes from every corner of the earth put aside their differences and gather together in an amazing display of diversity and strength. Today, Pastor Ricky reminds you that God wants all people to know Him and to love one another. He's broken down the barriers that separate you. Because of Jesus, you can live in peace and unity with everyone. Not just for a few days, but for all time.

Behold - Dream With Me, Part 1

Some people are just good at giving gifts. They always seem to know the perfect thing to make your day. Well today, Pastor Ricky shares that God loves giving you gifts that will change your life. You’ll discover that not only has God made a way for you to have a relationship with Him through Jesus but He's also made it possible for you to live at peace with other people. This gift of reconciliation has paved the way for you to break through barriers so that you can experience true community with others.

Behold - Perspective, Part 2

Parents typically know when their kids are trying to butter them up and sadly, the sweet words and unusual helpfulness, they lose their meaning when a child uses them to try and get what they want. Today, Pastor Ricky shares that God feels the same way about how you interact with Him. As you’ll hear, God doesn't like it when people only do things, even if they're good, because they want something from Him. Pastor Ricky reminds you that God wants you to walk closely with Him and love the people around you.